Hey there! How are you guys? It has been a couple of weeks that I have taken off, but that doesn't mean I stopped working! Summertime is almost here which is great. I live on the East Coast of the US so the warm weather is always welcome.
I've also kicked off writing my reviews on Medium and my first one is already out. There was supposed to be a video with that, but had some audio trouble with it. It got to the point where the written post was done for weeks and the video was holding it up. I would ideally like them to come out together but in this case, I just let the blog post fly. If you're interested in that, the one link is available down below.
Calendar Booking All My Tasks
Here is something new that I'm trying as a productivity hack to get all these things done that I want to do. Currently, I'm having trouble getting things done throughout the week. While my To-Do List has been going great in remembering things, something that hasn't been working is picking the amount of work that I need to accomplish in one day. The thing that seems to keep happening is that I plan too much to happen all at once in one day and at the end of the day, I'm trying to fit in a bunch of work at the very end.
I heard something in an interview that Marques Brownlee, MKBHD, does where he is actively adding things on his calendar for time to get things done (I'll link the article down below because I think it is an interesting listen). If he can't fit time for a task on the calendar itself, then it isn't going to happen that day. I think I'm going to try doing that. While that may seem silly (actually, I'm not sure that is what he even meant, to be honest, but if it isn't, he inspired me), I think that is something that I need to start to do.
I need to start making sure that I have enough time to get some things accomplished on my everyday calendar. I think that I can fit in all of this stuff all day, but the reality of the situation is that I'm not achieving all the things that I want to do in the day. I sometimes get distracted because nothing is scheduled for that time and then I miss some things.
So for right now, I'm going to try this for the next couple weeks and report back on how this has been working so far. Every day and throughout the day, when a task comes up, I'm going to try and schedule it as a block in my day. It will need things to be moved around and decisions to be made on whether something can get done or not this day when things change, but hopefully, it will be able to help me get things done. I use Todoist as a task manager and I believe it has some Google Calendar integration so maybe I will use that as well. I'll let you know how it goes.
How about you? Are there any productivity hacks that you guys are utilizing currently?
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